How to Look Sick
video / 2018 / HD-video / color / stereo / 3'39'' (loop)
Still images from the video.
How to look sick concentrates on the stereotypes and the representation of sick people in media and visual culture and the question of how does an (invisible) illness look like? On the video a sick person is mimicking the results of Google Image search with the index word "sick person" and the expressions and poses are rehearsed by the artist from the found stock photo material. The name of the work and visual cues hint to tutorial video aesthetics common in the social internet.
How to Make Decisions
video / 2018 / HD-video / color / stereo / 5'53'' (loop)
How to make decisions concentrates on time and energy levels of sick people by using Spoon Theory (2003), a disability metaphor created by Christine Miserandino to describe the everyday life of a person living with a chronic illness, as it's starting point. On the video a sick person is trying to hold a spoon on her nose. A common childhood game or activity changes into a depiction of uncertainty related to decision making while being sick as you have to make choices on how to use the energy you have left. The name of the work and visual cues hint to tutorial video aesthetics common in the social internet.